Freitag, 25. März 2016

11. Jan. 2016 - Kerio View

More or less we discuss the same plan about time in the air and time on the ground like we did yesterday. As the day does not look to good anyway, this is quite o.k. with me. I am not to motivated reaching the southern turnpoint and turn about 1 km to earlier as possible, just to be sure, not to take any risk to be able to fly back. But while flying back the day turns into a really good one. Now it is very late for a big triangle and I did not push it to the south and back, and I am still not in an appropriate motivation status. As it gets hard to overcome km23N, I turn around and fly back to the hotel. In the afternoon we do a walk through the mixed landscape, south of the hotel towards the creek at km2.5S. We also visit a nice little accommodation, run by a dutch-kenyan couple in its neighborhood.







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