As I am still not really in Kerio-mode and still not used to the early starts - the best before breakfast - I start to late. My first leg is to the south. There I try a transfer to the front laying ridge extension, but give up fast, as it does not look compelling to me. So I fly to the usual southern turnpoint and turn back towards the north. Some kms before Chesoi I get down to about 1500m to 1600m asl, but am able to recover. When I am in the north, reaching the end of the front ridge, I fly on to the first ridge extension behind, still enjoying a easterly wind assistance, that is rather a bit out of ESE to E. When I reach the end of the first ridge extension and turn around, it looks to me, that I am trapped now. The condensate, that was nice building, just half an hour ago gets less and less and finally disappears and the wind does not change from the southerly component to the northerly component, what it usually does at that time. So I have to fight upwards against headwinds. And I loose height by doing so. Where I should be above 3000, I just manage to climb up to 2700-2800, where I should be higher then 2700, I just get to 2400-2500 and so on. Finally I make the corner of the front ridge in the hope to climb out high there, but it also does not work. Long story short : I end landing on a school yard in Tot. The head teacher and of course all the pupils are very happy with me. The head teacher tells me, that he sees it as a good sign, because it is the third landing of a paraglider pilot on his schoolyard in the first days of january in the third year in a row and the last two years were good ones, so this year will also be a good one. What turns out not so good for me is a retrieve of 65 kms on poor and desolate roads on the valley floor back to Iten.
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